1MC – July 06, 2024 – Links We Like

1MC: The general announcing system on a US Navy vessel

Cool Icon Collection
Phosper iconography

Python Version Lifecycle
Find out when your favorite version of Python goes end-of-life

Nvidia Expects To Book $12B In GPU Sales To China
Capitalism trumps politics every time

Hackers Have Access To Over 10 Billion Stolen Passwords
There’s 8 billion people in the world…do the math

Using R With a 1 Billion Row File
I don’t know; the word billion is on a roll this week

AI Open Source Tools
It wouldn’t be a blog post without mentioning AI

How Does Email Work
Great article, not too technical. If you think Outlook is email, read this

Healthcare And Data Privacy
Ads, trackers, cookies everywhere…

Admiral Rickover’s ‘Paper Reactor’ Memo
For the next time someone tells you, “Theoretically it should work.”

NSA Cybersecurity Website
Great info from America’s favorite spy gang