1MC – June 23, 2024 – Links We Like

1MC: The general announcing system on a US Navy vessel

California AI Legislative Bill
Game on between safety advocates and the big AI players. Hmmm, big business interests vs. consumer privacy and safety — game over before it starts.

Roger Federer’s Dartmouth Commencement Speech
Words of wisdom from an all-time great.

The State of the Nation’s Housing – 2024
From Harvard U.’s Joint Center for Housing Studies

Majority of Americans Support Key Covid-19 Policies
Hindsight being 20-20…

Maintaining Large Scale AI Capacity at Meta
Excellent tech article from Facebook’s AI engineering team

Los Angeles County Public Health Department Hacked
How many times do we have to say it? Don’t open suspicious email attachments! Over 200,000 people affected.

Ransomware in Healthcare
What IT leaders need to know.